Sunday 20 July 2014

Passion and Purpose: Not a Straight Path


Its one of those words that can either leave you inspired or leave you feeling inadequate. We are all meant to have it, right?

I have always been a little envious of friends that discovered their purpose, their passion, early in life. There seemed to be now doubt about what they were meant to be, meant to do or meant to achieve. They knew what they liked and they focused on that.

Me, on the other hand, has flipped flopped through hobbies and interests and dreams and men. Always searching and believing that there was a purpose, an important purpose that I was put on this earth for. It just took 46 years for me to work it out.

But! I am glad it took that long. Because all of those little meandering creeks that I followed, and all of those ‘why not’ choices I made have led me exactly to where I am meant to be and most importantly where I need to be.

Each of the paths I followed were not a flippant waste of my time. Each little path provided lessons, feedback, new experiences and new people that have all smooched up together to form my unique picture of life.

Just like Jobs said “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future”.

These dots have all started connecting lately, connecting in spontaneous manner without effort or direction on my behalf.

Many coaches and successful entrepreneurs talk a lot about setting goals, having a five-year plan, and being clear on where you are going. But I prefer the approach of Danielle LaPorte, the focus in not on goals but on desires.

Having purpose cannot be dictated or measured by numbers. Having purpose should not be set in stone. Having purpose is having meaning in life, a meaning that makes you want to get up in the morning, makes you want to overcome obstacles and makes you feel that you make a difference. These are all about feelings not havings.

What is it you want to feel?
What makes you feel good deep down?
What energises you?
What makes you smile?

Somewhere in all that is your purpose and it is not a matter of getting super clear and super focused because paradoxically it is when you relax your focus, soften your gaze, and release judgment that your purpose will reveal itself.

I would love to hear if you feel you know your purpose and how you found it. Was it an A-Ha moment or more of a gradual awareness?

Stay groovy

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