Tuesday 15 July 2014

Embracing your wonderful weaknesses

Last week I was encouraging you to look less critically at your body, to stop finding fault with its individual parts and embrace its beauty.

Just like everything in the universe, we do have dark and light, yin and yang, strengths and weaknesses…lets just call them areas for development or ‘change points”.

No one is perfect and that is the wonder of our individual uniqueness but most of us are on a path of growth, a path of personal development in which it is equally important to be kind and generous with yourself as it is to be gently critical. I know that if you are choosing to grow and evolve you want to be a better person than you were yesterday. To be of service to others and to yourself there are likely to be characteristics or tendencies or habits that you want to improve.

As with everything, balance is the key and making choices to improve areas of your life, your attitude or your body should be done with discretion. Some things are as they are, and the effort required to change is not worth the pain of changing.

Maybe what you think is a design fault is actually what makes you unique and is what other people admire. Have you ever been complimented for something about yourself that you hate? I often get comments on my skin…I think my face is freckly and sun damaged and I am always bemused by these compliments. Go figure!

When identifying areas for improvement, be that physical, attitude, or personality, be clear on whether this is something you want to change, that you need to change, or indeed that you can change.

Don’t waste time and precious energy focusing on things you don’t like but are really wonderful weakness that make you who you are. For it is these weaknesses that we so often grow into as we mature and strangely come to be proud of.

I always down on myself for my inability to focus on any one hobby, interest or idea and I admired people who had singular focus on their path in life. While I still admire those people I have come to realise that my ‘flitting around’ has led me to have an eclectic, vast array of knowledge and ability to see many different points of view. I like being eclectic.
So consider parts of yourself or your life that are worth developing and improving and set about changing them with love. And the rest…well embrace your oddities and just be who you are.

Stay groovy

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