Saturday 12 April 2014

Weight loss myth: If I just eat less I will weigh less

It makes perfect sense. Weight loss is just a matter of calories in, calories out. Right??

If our physiology simply operated in a vacuum similar to the laboratory where they burn food to measure its calorie load, then yes this formulae would work perfectly. But the problem is our metabolism and calorie burning efficiency is not occurring in a vacuum, it is occurring within the human experience. An experience that is not always perfect, contained or controlled. An experience impacted on by our moods, our history, our relationships, our work and internal chatter in our head that is constantly judging, assessing and measuring our value.

Weight loss strategies marketed in the mass media are very masculine in their approach, which means they are very goal focussed, number based and all about willpower and 'going hard'. However the statistics show that 95-97% of people who lose weight on a diet gain it back again within 1 -2 years. And so the cycle starts again - diet, restrict, achieve -> eat, let go, fail. 

The strategy so often employed by women is to go without breakfast, coffee for morning tea, boring salad for lunch, another coffee in the afternoon -- and so far you are feeling good, you are in control, you have the willpower to succeed. But come 4pm you are starving and somehow manage to devour anything that you can get your hands on. And the real kicker that you didn't even really enjoy the food anyway.  

You feel like a failure. You clearly have no willpower and may as well give up. Right?

Wrong! The plain and simple fact is that you were hungry. Your body needs nourishment and energy from food. Restricting food intake is not only physiologically going to backfire through rebound overeating (aka the 4pm binge) but emotionally leaves you feeling unsatisfied, frustrated and p***ed off with your friends who seem to manage to stay slim and not be in a calorie counting frenzy all day. 

There is another way. A more nourishing path to weight loss and body confidence that will allow you to achieve the body you desire in a way that is not punishing or painful or setting you up to fail. 

The secret is relaxing and trusting your body wisdom. Learning to listen to your appetite, rather than fighting it. 

Can you, just for today, throw out the voice in your head that is assessing the calorie content/fat content in what you eat. For today, allow yourself to have an appetite.

Do you feel like chocolate cake for morning tea, the cake you have been denying yourself for the past 2 weeks of your diet? Sit quietly for a moment. Are you hungry? If yes, what is it your body really needs? If your inner voice is saying 'cake' then do the "Four Really Test". Do you really, really, really, really want it? 

If yes then take that cake, put it on a pretty plate, sit down and give that cake all your attention. Savour it, eat it slowly. And when you are finished do NOT feel guilty. Acknowledge how good that cake was and that it is ok you had a piece of cake. And I bet that because you allowed yourself to eat it with pleasure you will be quite satisfied with stopping with one piece, rather than mindlessly eating three pieces while standing at the kitchen counter. 

Check out my short video Eat Less, Exercise More and let me know how you went today. 

Stay groovy

Happy Healthy Groovy

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