Sunday 6 October 2013

To Push or Not to Push

Good morning groovy people!
What a beautiful morning on this public holiday in Queensland.

And no, this is not a post about natural childbirth vs caesarean birth.

I woke up at some ridiculously early hour with multiple decisions floating around in my head. I will be sharing consulting space at a local pilates studio (Akala Active, Coorparoo) starting in a couple of weeks so need to get the marketing machine going. So many decisions that need to be made to support my goals and I am unsure which way to go. 

I am trying to balance my belief in synchronicity and a universal flow with my task oriented, goal setting mentality. On the one hand I truly believe that life events seem to connect in a magical way that that has meaning. Coincidence....I think not.

On the other had I believe in setting goals, making decisions, pushing your cause, being focused, steering your own course. I like to be in control and forge ahead with my plans. I like to take action, not just wait for things to happen. 

For example, I had been trying to find office space in one suburb but having no luck and hitting brick walls at every turn, then I happened upon an advertisement for space at Akala in a suburb that I had not previously considered. Virginia answered my call at first ring, was available the next day, turns out she used to work for the same organisation that I currently work for, has similar colour scheme to her business that I have, etc, etc. 

Another example was last week when I was struggling with my natural introversion and the need for me to start putting myself out there, telling people about my business and spruiking my wares. It terrifies me and I had the perfect opportunity twice in one day at social events with women who could be my target clients. And what did I do... smiled sweetly and said nothing. I was so annoyed at myself.

So the very next day I was walking along and the owner of a beauty salon randomly spoke to me through her doorway so I went in for a chat and found she was just starting her new business so said 'me to' and told her about what I do. Not only did she react positively but offered to take some flyers and suggested the possibility of consulting space in a room she doesn't use. WOW! I came out of there feeling so confident. It was like the universe provided a situation to show me that yes, I can put myself out of my comfort zone and I never know what might happen. 

I am trying to make decisions that balance 

  • my will vs letting go
  • forcing vs trusting
  • goal orientation vs spontaneity
  • personal desire vs the cosmic plan
  • pushing vs relaxing
  • intuition vs logic
  • being vs doing
How do you balance these? 
How do you know when a blockage is to be pushed through or a sign that maybe that is just a sign that you need to stop, breath and wait?

Stay groovy.


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