Tuesday 8 October 2013

Midweek self care

Just a quick midweek blog on self care, taking the time to look after yourself, be that physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. 

Many of us are juggling multiple things and fail to take the time to recharge the batteries. This recharge doesn't have to be huge but can be something simple that you enjoy. Maybe you feel it is self-indulgent to have a massage, get a manicure, or lay on the couch reading a trashy romance novel. 

Maybe you feel that you simply don't have the time. Rubbish! There is always time. It is a matter of prioritising your needs. A bit like the airline safety talk - 'please fit your oxygen mask before helping children or others'. Taking 30 min or 2 hours out of your week, to stop, recharge, regroup and relax is not a waste of time but will allow you to perform better and have a fresh outlook.

Tonight I knew I needed something to relax so as soon as I walked in the door I started a hot bath running and put on some chill out music. Of course I fed the cats first....cat people will understand this is the number one priority. 

I used wonderful ingredients from http://www.n-essentials.com.au/?Click=2760 to make a nourishing relaxing bath with Epsom salts and Ylang Ylang essential oils. Epsom salts provides magnesium...great for relaxing tight muscles and promoting sleep. Ylang Ylang is also relaxing and is a luxurious and sensuous fragrance and softens the skin. 

Much better 

Sleep well and stay groovy

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