Friday 13 September 2013

Website launch and being vulnerable

LA big announcement this morning - my website is up and running!

The funny thing is it has been up since Tuesday but I just couldn't bring myself to let people know about it. Everyday I would intend to get the message out via this blog or Facebook but I just avoided doing it. What is this about? 

So I have spent some time meditating and writing in my journal and it is simple .......I am feeling very vulnerable right now and for someone who has pretty much avoided vulnerability her whole life this is pretty scary. 

Now don't get me wrong, I have never avoided taking a risk, taking a chance, doing things slightly left of centre, but somehow managing to never really expose my underbelly.

So here I am blogging and putting my feelings, thoughts, opinions on the net for the world to see. And launching my own coaching business that isn't selling widgets but selling my skills. My God, what if I am not good enough, what if no one likes me, or heaven forbid what if no-one calls ... Ever! How embarrassing.

So I have decided
- I am good enough
- I don't have to be perfect
- I don't need to know everything in order to help people
- I have a lot to offer
- and this is not all about me ( now this one is still a little difficult to swallow)

But most of all I am so excited, I simply can't not do lets get this show on the road!

A big thanks to Grace from gndesigns for doing my fabulous business card and website and for putting up with my total incompetence with anything IT related. And a big thanks to my daughter who believes in me and to my Gorgeous Guy who never fails in his patience and support.

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