Monday 25 August 2014



A self-belief and deep trust that the step you take is right, more than right, it is necessary. It is ordained by your higher self as the path you must take.

Courage can sometimes feel easy, maybe the blissful unawareness of youth provides opportunities for adventurous courage, the kind of courage that flips the bird to the world and charges ahead refusing to see consequences. Or even when consequences are vaguely identified there is a sense of flippancy. I mean, seriously, you have years to fix it/pay for it/divorce it/rebuild it. So lets go!

I have made many courageous moves in my time. Some have worked out really well and other not so much. I have sold my house and moved interstate to a temporary job with two kids. It worked out as I knew it would. I have headed off overseas on my own having never been out of Australia before. I have the best time. I took two months leave and taught English overseas at a youth centre. I adapted to being totally out of my comfort zone and met the most amazing people whilst learning what my next life transition was to be.

During my younger adulthood and despite quiet introversion I had a deep confidence in my ability to do and achieve, combined with the focus and patience to forge a path to my golden goal. I visioned, I imagined and I manifested. Sometime with steadfast stubbornness and self-centred pig-headedness, but I made it.

Looking back I am a little in awe of some of the decisions I have made and achievements I have worked hard for.

I think that as women we have a tendency to casually dismiss our achievements for fear of standing out, of being seen as arrogant. The tall poppy syndrome works well too keep us small.

Take time to contemplate the brave choices you have made or the incredible will you have exerted to achieve goals – small or big. Fantastic success or abysmal failures are all equally valuable. Each time you learn more about yourself and about others. None of which you would have learnt if you didn’t have the courage to step out of your comfort zone.

I am writing of courage today as I am at a juncture in my life. A turning point. A fork in the road. I need courage. I think I have courage but I am still hesitant. Why?

Is it because I have more to lose now that I am older? When all you own are a few bags of clothes and some furniture in a rented apartment, there really isn’t that much to lose. These days there seems to be more at stake and a sense of responsibility for another’s financial security.

I am confident and I have the self-belief and I have faith that this decision is my ‘destiny’, so why the hesitation I wonder?

I have realised it is because I feel selfish. I feel like my decision is all about me and my desires and for the first time I care about another’s needs in a way that makes me feel selfish to put pressure on them. Though I have to admit the ‘money thing’ worries me a little. The idea of having nothing is not appealing in one’s 40s. I like nice things and expensive shoes.

One thing that I do know, is that making no decision is what squashes spirit. Flailing around in awkward indecision is a recipe for disappointment and regret. In order for the universe to provide you with assistance you must first take action.

I am not quite there yet.

I have also learnt that if I don’t make a decision then others will chart my destiny and my power is taken from me.

I don’t like that.

What do you need to be courageous about?
Are you handing your power to someone else through indecision?

May we all step forward with confidence and trust this week.

Stay groovy


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