Tuesday 5 November 2013

Relaxing into uncertainty

Learning to relax into uncertainty must be one of the most difficult things for most people living in modern western society. I know it is for me.


Uncertainty means we don’t have control over the outcomes, uncertainty means we can’t plan the details, and uncertainty means we have to have faith that all will be okay.


On the flipside, uncertainty provides opportunity for new moments, new discoveries, and serendipitous possibilities. Uncertainty can be exciting!!


Life, whether we like it or not, is a series of uncertain moments. We don’t know if we will be successful at the job interview; we don’t know if our relationship will last forever; we don’t know whether our loved ones will behere tomorrow; we don’t know if it is going to rain on Saturday.


So the more we can relax into uncertainty the less stressful life can be.


And this, my friends is something I am not doing very well at the moment. I feel overwhelmed with the uncertainty in my life, which is leading to indecision and a lack of trust. The thing I am most annoyed about is that, in reality all the change is just ripe with luscious opportunity and excitement. But I am stuck in worry because I don’t know what the exact outcome will be, and am therefore stuck in indecision. Indecision gives power to others – who WILL make decisions for you.


The first step is to acknowledge that it is okay to feel overwhelmed, everyone does sometimes and I have an awful lot going on right now. I think many people get very good at pretending they are okay by avoiding, ignoring, pushing down how they really feel. Most of us don’t like others to know that we are not doing anything but ‘super’. We won’t even admit it to ourselves.


Then really just ‘sit’ in the overwhelm/anxiety/fear….feel it. Where do you feel it in your body? Your stomach? Your shoulders? Don’t fight it or negate it or it will just get stronger or come back later.  What is it you are really feeling? For example, sometimes what we think is anger is actually fear. This is an uncomfortable step, and that is okay.


But then you must take action. Some of the uncertainty can be removed by making a decision…listen to you gut and just make a decision. It might be right, it might be wrong, but if you don’t make a decision someone else will and then they have your power, not you.


As for that which you have no control over…let it go, have faith that sometimes we don’t actually know what is best for us. There is a bigger picture unfolding that is as yet unknown and we cannot foresee.


Engage in some selfcare – take a bath, get a massage, walk outdoors and hug a tree, buy a new dress, whatever puts a smile on your face.


If life was certain, how boring would it be.


So today I choose to relax into uncertainty.


Tomorrow? Is another day 


Stay Groovy!



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