Friday 23 August 2013


Well this is my first posting on my blog. Spending the day working on setting up my new business Happy Healthy Groovy health and wellness coaching and supervising my adult daughter packing up her stuff in preparation for moving out into the big world. She has done that before but returned when life went a little sour for a while. Now she has blossomed even more and I am very proud of the young women she has become. So it is a mixture of 'woo hoo house to myself, now I can run naked from bathroom to bedroom' and 'oh, who is going to keep me upbeat when I am low, I will miss her'.

So between her moving, me starting a business and me deciding to sell my house so I can be with my gorgeous man, there is a lot of change happening in my life. Most of the time the energy and excitement of change is exhilarating but sometimes it feels like a weight, a weight of decisions that need to be made. Making decisions is very tiring. But as I was reminded by Clair Obeid and her Wellness Project blog, I was getting caught up in the outcome, putting pressure on the end point and what I want it to look like. Now that is tiring. It is so much easier to let those agendas, those outcomes, go and just be in  the flow. This does not mean not doing anything, not having tasks or activities or things to do, it just means letting go of the effort, the internally generated need for something to happen at a certain time, in a certain way. That just scrunches your energy up in a big knot and believe me innovation, intuition, energy, creativity and joy really struggle to be felt when your energy is so scrunched up and determined to achieve something.

This letting go of an outcome is really about trust and vulnerability....a topic that I will talk about in depth soon.

Keep groovin'